Turn your panoramas into eye-catching miniature planets in minutes, using Photoshop or your favourite graphics editor.
Vignetting, a darkening in the corners of a photo, is a popular creative effect. Discover how to add a vignette to an image using Photoshop.
A graduated neutral density (ND) filter helps balance exposure levels between the sky and ground. Learn how to replicate the effect in Photoshop.
Keystoning is where a building seems to lean backwards in a photo. It's distracting but can be easily fixed with Photoshop's Lens Correction tool.
Watermarking your photos is a popular way to protect them. Learn how to create an effective, reusable text or logo watermark in Photoshop.
Learn everything you need to know about EXIF metadata - what it is, ways to view and edit it, and how you can use it to improve your photography.
Digital cross processing is a technique that simulates developing photos in the wrong chemicals. Use it to produce some stunning colour shifts.
Learn how to turn your colour photos into gritty black and white urban shots using Photoshop.
The Channel Mixer is easy to use but gives you complete control over the appearance of your photo when converting from colour to black and white.
Digital editing software allows us to remove unwanted objects, adjust colours, and touch up blemishes. Learn how to digitally improve your photos.